Meet the Year 6 Team
Year 6 Teachers
Miss Cornall
Year 6 Class Teacher
Mrs Rey
Teaching Assistant/Lunchtime Games Leader
Mrs Jones
Teaching Assistant/Interventions
Miss Cornall
Year 6 Class Teacher
Mrs Rey
Teaching Assistant/Lunchtime Games Leader
Mrs Jones
Teaching Assistant/Interventions
Please find everything you need to know about Year 6 in the PowerPoint below
In Year 6 this half term children will receive Spelling, Reading, Grammar and Maths homework each week. Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week and to bring their reading book to school each day. Each child will be given a Maths and Grammar CPG SATS guide and will be told which pages they should complete for homework each week. Homework will be set on Wednesday and will be due in by the next Wednesday.
Year 6 have their PE every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure children have PE kits in school and any earrings are removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with.
All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges.
We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.
Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.
Remote Learning
We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 6 Autumn 1 - Knowledge mats
Art Day 1
- Experimenting with mark making
- Symbolic imagery from the Mayans
- Chiaroscuro techniques
- Planning our final designs
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 6 Autumn 2 - Knowledge mats
DT Week
This morning we have been using LEGO to make real life shelters working in our groups.
We have also been using Tinker CAD a computer aided design software to make our prototypes come to life. We have been able to evaluate our designs and make in the moment changes before producing our final models today and tomorrow.
St Aidan's will always remember.
At St Aidan's we began the week remembering soldiers past and present. We had a special rememberance service held in church by our Year 6 pupils.
Thank you to all parents and members of our school community who were able to attend. A big thank you to Miss Cornall and Mrs Rey for putting together a beautiful service
Lest we forget
Wow! What an amazing morning. Year 6 were lucky to have a visit from Sophie from Boohoo and learn all about the business and opportunities they have on offer. we learned about the company and where it all began. We also talked about the famous people who work with the company. Did you know they have warehouse that is bigger than 13 football pitches and a robot that organises the clothes using QR codes? Well done year 6 for great oracy skills that we were complimented on!
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 6 Spring 1 - Knowledge mats
Huge thanks to Blackburn Rovers for hosting an incredible Show Racism the Red Card day at Ewood Park that our Year 6 class attended! Over 70 children from six #PLPrimaryStars partner schools enjoyed a fantastic day filled with learning and fun.
The day included engaging workshops raising awareness about the impact of Hate Crime and Stereotype, a fascinating stadium tour, and exciting Multi-Sports activities at the BRIC. The children were thrilled to be joined by Blackburn Rovers players Adam Khan and Tom Atcheson, who chatted with them about what they learned and answered questions about racism and football.
A special thank you also to Show Racism the Red Card for their partnership in making this such a valuable and memorable experience for our pupils. This day has truly empowered them to show racism the red card!
#BRCTInclusion #BRCTEducation
Well done on mastering your duo dances and bring it all together this week!
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 6 Spring 2 - Knowledge mats
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 6 Summer 1 - Knowledge mats
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 6 Summer 2 - Knowledge mats
What are the SATs?
- SATs are the tests that are given to children at the end of Key Stage 2.
- The SATs take place over four days, starting on Monday 13th May 2024 ending on Thursday 16th May 2024.
The SATs papers consist of:
- Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 1: GPS) – Monday 13th May
- Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 2: Spelling) – Monday 13th May
- Reading – Tuesday 14th May
- Maths (paper 1: Arithmetic) – Wednesday 15th May
- Maths (paper 2: Reasoning) – Wednesday 15th May
- Maths (paper 3: Reasoning) – Thursday 16th May
When and how the SATs are completed?
- The tests take place during normal school hours, under exam conditions.
- Children are not allowed to talk to each other from the moment the assessments are handed out until they are collected at the end of the test.
- After the tests are completed, the papers are sent away to be marked externally.
- The results are then sent to the school in July.
- Each test lasts no longer than 60 minutes:
- Grammar/ Punctuation – 45 minutes
- Spelling – 15 minutes
- Reading – 60 minutes
- Arithmetic – 30 minutes
- Reasoning – 40 minutes
- Reasoning – 40 minutes
The Results
Tests are marked externally.
Once marked, the tests will be given the following scores:
A raw score (total number of marks achieved for each paper);
A scaled score (see below);
A judgement on if the National Standard has been met.
Scaled scores range from 80 to 120.
A scaled score of 100 or more shows the pupil is meeting the National Standard.
Important SATs Websites for Revision
BBC Bitesize
BBC Spelling
Top Marks Education
IXL Learning
Natural Curriculum Grammar
End of KS2 SATs Practice Materials QR codes
Please click on the following link to see the PowerPoint from our SATs meeting that was held on Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 2.45pm - 3.15pm: SATs meeting PowerPoint
For further information about the SATs that your child in Year 6 will sit, please click the following link: Key Stage 2 SATs meeting
As we are preparing for SATs in school, some pupils might be feeling unnecessarily anxious for the tests. I wanted to provide some information from a local organisation Kooth on exam support if your child is worried.
5k Walk to raise money for St Catherine's Hospice
Year 6 have decided that for our annual charity fundraising we are going to be raising money for St Catherine's Hospice.
We are going to complete a sponsored 5k to raise funds to help this charity.
St Catherine's Hospice aims to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of adults, children and young people who have terminal illness or life-limiting conditions.
Your child has received a sponsor sheet to record sponsors if they wish but we are also going to have an ongoing collection in school for children/staff/families to add to as and when.
Throughout this month we will be collecting funds for St Catherine's Hospice.
Hopefully, we can work together with the community to make a difference.
Autumn 1
This afternoon we began our new science topic 'Light' we investigated how light travels and proved that light only travels in straight lines. Ask us all about it to find out more.
In our history lesson this afternoon we have been using sources to explore what happened in The Blitz. Ask us all about it tonight!
This afternoon we have been investigating how light travels through different states of matter. Ask us what we now know about refraction!
We have enjoyed learning all about the artwork of Gustav Klimt and recreating our own cubism design!
Year 6 are learning all about World War 2. This week we looked at the reasons why Britain had to go to war and why Chamberlain appeased Hitler. We used our oracy skills to debate whether Chamberlain was right to appease Hitler. We had many great discussions about this and came up with many reasons for and against appeasement. Ask us what we decided Chamberlain should have done…
First of my clubs! Colouring Mindful mandalas was a really relaxing way to end the day
This afternoon we have been exploring what life was really like for an evacuee in World War 2. We looked at a variety of sources and decided which ones were propaganda and which ones were most believable. Ask us how we helped the BBC improve its video about evacuation!
In our talk on Tuesday we used the traverse grouping to speak to each other about our favourite sport. We moved down the line listening to each other carefully, asking questions and debating which sport was the best! You’ll never guess which sport we choose…
This afternoon in science we extended our knowledge about light and shadows by investigating how light travels through different materials and how shadows always cast the same shape as the object that blocked the light. Year 6 used scientific vocabulary to discuss their findings with each other.
This afternoon we explored more about the life journeys of a selection of Biblical characters. We used Bibles to learn all about their stories. Next we chose how to display our findings and used our oracy skills to present our information to the rest of the class.
Today we had a visit from Blackburn Community Police to help us learn more about keeping safe whilst we are out and about.
Autumn 2
This morning we used role play to act out the first chapter of our wordless graphic novel. Mrs Rourke was wowed by our acting skills!
In history we compared and contrasted what life was like during the war at Christmas time. We used our oracy skills to share our findings.
Also in Talk on Tuesday we debated whether Christmas should have been celebrated during the war time years. Ask us what we decided and our reasons for our choices.
In English today we participated in drama to empathise with Father on his journey to the New land. Ask us all about it!
DT Week
Look at our final products. We had a great week learning about structures and building our prototype reading area.
This week, Year 6 have been exploring how species adapt in science this afternoon. We learned about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and how the finches beaks and claws differed on the different islands depending on what food was available to them!
Spring 1
Here are some of our portrait drawings. We focussed on tone and texture of lines using a variety of media to design and execute our work. We have some talented artists!✏️
We have been inspired by Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, Leonard’s Da Vinci, Frida Karol and Kehinde Wiley.
Spring 2
What a week we have had in Year 6!
The class have done really well with their practise tests and have been enjoying a very practical Junior Jam session this morning to finish off the week!
We are enjoying our new topic ‘Global Trade’. Today we have worked in groups and given presentations on different centuries and how changed has changed.
Today in Geography, year 5 and 6 developed their oracy skills. Working in pairs, they were given a European flag to explain using key vocabulary to their partner to draw on a whiteboard. Then, using a blank map of Europe they were using facts to determine different European countries and their locations.
Summer 1
Our Aidan’s Ambassadors were so busy tonight after school cleaning up our community. Good job. We are very proud of you!
Summer 2
Huge congratulations to Year 6 for completing their Race For Life.
Autumn 1
How lucky are Year 6?
This morning we received a visit from Boohoo and learnt all about the company and how it came to be the global brand it is today. We had a presentation, watched a new ad campaign, dialled in to a real Microsoft Teams meeting with the headquarters in Sheffield in the Pretty Little Thing room and received a goodie bag from the team.
Thank you Boohoo for a wonderful start to the week and inspiring our Year 6 class.
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2