Mini Police

At St. Aidan's Primary School, we are deeply committed to delivering the best possible education to children. We believe in providing excellent learning opportunities across all areas of the curriculum, while also nurturing the holistic growth of each child. Our aim is to prepare them for adulthood by instilling values and skills that will enable them to contribute positively to the wider community. Therefore, we are pleased to be a part of the dynamic Mini Police project.

What is Mini Police?

Mini Police is a creative and enjoyable initiative that aims to engage young minds with the police force. This program is conducted in schools, with the assistance of Police Community Support Officers (PCSQs) from the local neighbourhood police team.


Our Mini Police programme aims to:

  • Offer children in Years 5 or 6 (aged 9-11) an enjoyable and engaging introduction to policing, fostering a positive interaction with law enforcement and encouraging community involvement.
  • Educate children about the positive influence that policing can have on their lives and communities.
  • Build strong connections, reliability, and self-assurance in children.
  • Develop feelings of social and moral accountability, safety, and policing through an entertaining and interactive program of activities.
  • Motivate children to interact positively with the local police force.
  • Help them minimise the chances of becoming involved in criminal activities or falling prey to criminals.
  • Join forces with partners to introduce age-appropriate safety awareness.