Meet the Year 5 Team
Year 5 Teachers
Mrs Moss
Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs Brownlie
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Moss
Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs Brownlie
Teaching Assistant
Please find everything you need to know about Year 5 in the PowerPoint below
In Year 5 this half term children will receive spellings each week. They will be set on a Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday. Children are expected to read at least three times a week and to bring their reading book to school each day.
Year 5 have their PE lessons on Thursday. Please ensure children have PE kits in school and any earrings are removed.
All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges.
We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.
Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.
Remote Learning
We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.
Year 5 timetable: Autumn 1
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 5 Autumn 1 - Knowledge mats
Year 5 timetable: Autumn 2
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 5 Autumn 2 - Knowledge mats
Year 5 timetable: Spring 1 2025
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 5 Spring 1 - Knowledge Mats
Year 5 timetable: /files/Timetable_Y5_Mrs_Moss_Spring_Term_2_2024.pdf
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 5 Spring 2 - Knowledge Mats
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 5 Timetable:/files/Timetable_Y5_Mrs_Moss_Summer_Term_1_2024.pdf
Year 5 Summer 1 - Knowledge mats
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 5 Timetable: /files/Timetable_Y5_Mrs_Moss_Summer_Term_2_2024.pdf
Year 5 Summer 2 - Knowledge mats
Autumn 1
Year 5 working hard yesterday on their first day back to school.
Today children in year 5 are learning how to create a reduction printing design. Looking at children’s drawings I think there is going to be some amazing designs.
Autumn 2
In geography today we became river experts. Ask us about the journey of a river. We are hoping to book a geographical trip soon too.
Today in ART we have been looking at the artist ‘Hundertwasser’ and doing our own drawings of sections of his art work.
This morning in maths we used tracing paper when multiplying and diving by 10,100 and 1000 (thanks for the tip Mrs Greenwood).
This afternoon we created lifecycle wheels to show the complete and incomplete metamorphosis of insects.
Yesterday we learnt all about map reading using four and six figure grid reference numbers! It was tricky but we enjoyed it.
As part of our writing unit The Snowman we wanted the children to remember how it feels when it snows! Safe to say they loved it. We then came back inside for hot chocolate. Ask them how they feel when it snows!
DT Week
Thank you for the parents and carers who could attend today. Mrs Harrison really enjoyed it and more importantly the children did too!
Spring 1
We have done so much great learning this week. We started off the week with an 'experience day' ready to start our new writing unit 'Feast'. Mrs Harrison's dog Eric came into school along with the school dog Tyson. We talked about their behaviour and looked at things from a dog's perspective. They even showed us some of their tricks!
We had a busy afternoon creating figures based off of our drawings from last week's art lesson. We are looking at the artist Alberto Giacometti this half term, he is famous for sculpting figures. We used wooden dowel, art straws and masking tape.
Our second attempt at Alberto Gecometti figures using wire this time so we could manipulate the joints and create different movements.
Today we got to take part in ‘Meet an engineer: Online interview with Reuben Brambleby.' This is part of the leaders award below.
We learnt lots and got to ask many questions!
Thank you Reuben Brambleby.
The final stage - painting our sculptures in either bronze or silver to replicate Giacometti’s famous sculptures. So much concentration in one room!
Spring 2
Our science lesson today was looking at friction. The children were making predictions on which jelly cube would be the easiest to pick up. Each pair had 2 jelly cubes; 1 without oil and 1 that had been dipped in oil. They discovered that the jelly cube coated in oil had reduced friction and therefore was much more difficult to pick up with their ‘chopsticks’.
This morning year 5 have been having a class debate, in groups we looked at arguments for and against children having screen time.
Our debate skills will support our English writing looking at non-fiction.
This week is Science week and we are going to be doing a variety of different experiments. Today we had fun making ‘floating ghosts’
Today in Geography, year 5 and 6 developed their oracy skills. Working in pairs, they were given a European flag to explain using key vocabulary to their partner to draw on a whiteboard. Then, using a blank map of Europe they were using facts to determine different European countries and their locations.
Yesterday in Science we carried out an experiment looking at water resistance… We made different shapes out of play dough and timed how long they took to travel through the water.
Summer 1
Our Aidan’s Ambassadors were so busy tonight after school cleaning up our community. Good job. We are very proud of you!
This afternoon we were fortunate enough to have a visit from the team at Blackburn with Darwen recycling. We talked all things recycling and discussed which bins we need to use for different items. The children were really knowledgeable and now know even more!
The 3 Rs; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
In Science we are learning about forces, we made our own paper aeroplanes to test how far they went when thrown. Whilst making our aeroplanes we learnt about the different forces working on our aeroplanes when we throw them.
Ask us about how we made our aeroplanes to get them to travel the furthest in the air!
Summer 2
Day 1 of D.T week
Year 5 will be designing and creating their own moving toy. This morning they are investigating moving toys before they can make their own.
Day 2 of D.T week
This morning we have been creating paper models of our moving toys before designing our own!
Day 3 of D.T week:
Yesterday we focused on the skills element of making our frame structure. We spent the morning measuring and drawing lines accurately and then had a go at using the junior hacksaws to cut specific measurements of wood.
In the afternoon, we used our 12 equal pieces of wood to make our sturdy structure.
Day 4 of D.T week…
Our final products are starting to take shape. We have some amazing and imaginative designs!
Autumn 1
We have enjoyed taking part in the Move and Learn sessions with Blackburn Rovers.
We have learnt all about how to keep healthy and the different types of physical there are.
Autumn 2
This morning , as part of No Pens Thursday, we looked at and discussed a poem in English about pollution. The poem links to the work we are doing in our English and Geography topics. We rehearsed and performed our poems, in small groups , to the rest of the class focusing on speaking clearly and loudly.