Meet the Year 4 Team

Year 4 Teachers

Miss Rigby

Miss Rigby

Year 4 Class Teacher

Miss Yates

Miss Yates

Year 4 Class Teacher (on maternity leave)

Miss Haworth

Miss Haworth

Teaching Assistant/Lunchtime Welfare Support

Meet the Teacher Slideshow


Children in KS2 are expected to read three times a week, this can be recorded by signing your child’s reading record to show they have read at home. Children in Year 4 also need to be practicing their times tables regularly to ensure that they are up to speed with their knowledge for their times table test at the end of the year


In Year 4 we are fortunate to go swimming every Tuesday for one of our PE lessons. Please can you ensure that the children have their swimming kit in for these days.  

We also have PE every Monday so make sure that their PE kit is in school and that they have everything that they need. Piercings need to be removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with.


All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges.

We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.

Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.


Please find everything you need to know about Year 4 in the PowerPoint below.


Autumn 1


The children hunting around the classroom for factors that have had an impact on England after the Romans invaded.
Ask your children to see if they can remember any of the things that the Romans brought over to England that we still use to this day.


Year 4 looked at creating switches for a simple circuit during their science learning this afternoon.
Ask them which object they chose for the switch and why it would work as a switch.


Learning about what the Romans have brought to England. Ask your children about objects and buildings we still have to do this day that were brought over by our ancient invaders.


Pictures from this afternoon showcasing some VERY proud faces. The children in year 4 worked extremely hard in groups to create a torch with the help of all of the knowledge that they have learnt throughout this half term. I’m sure you’ll be very pleased to know that ALL groups completed the task!!! Ask your children how they made the torch and which materials and items they used to make them. 

Autumn 2


The children enjoyed their session with the water and wellness project at the beginning of this week, the children planted acorns and did some drama on the cycle of a tree.

DT Week

Year 4 enjoying D&T week

The children navigating bee bots around their own tracks made out of resources from the classroom

This afternoon the children looked at different skills they will be using to make their electric cars at the end of this week!

Building Circuits

Year 3 and Year 4's Christmas party!

Spring 1

The children started a new unit of work today - here they are generating a word bank using the five senses and action words after observing dogs at school.


The children were looking at different states of matter today in science. To see the differences between the three the children had balloons to observe, which were filled with ice, water and oxygen.

Ask them about this

Y4 had fun this morning tasting a range of healthy and unhealthy foods - this enabled them to generate a word bank using their five senses after trying the foods.

P.S - we had lots of funny reactions from the children trying malt loaf (most children were so convinced they were brownies).

Ask Y4 words they have used to describe the foods that they have tried today. 


Y4 experimenting in science yesterday - looking at: 

Does gas have weight? 

What happens when gas heats up? 

Can you create a gas from a liquid and a solid? 


Ask them which experiment they enjoyed the most 


A few action shots from tonight’s athletics. We didn’t win but we all tried our best and showed great sportsmanship. Well done year 3 and 4!

Spring 2


The children enjoying being wrapped in blankets and drinking hot chocolate in English yesterday as part of our experience day.

Summer 1


This afternoon we looked at “what happens when we chew bread?” The children had to chew the bread for a whole minute and then hold it in their mouths for 3 minutes to see what happens to the taste of bread when it is broken down and mixed with saliva.


What happens in your stomach? 

The children experimenting with bread and coke to see what happens in your stomach when digesting food.


Exploring the digestive system today in science - the children had a go at putting the organs of the digestive system into the correct place.

Summer 2


Remote Learning

We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Statement

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 4 Autumn 1 - Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 4 Autumn 2 - Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 4 Spring 1 - Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 4 Spring 2 - Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 4 Summer 1 - Knowledge mats

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This week in Art, we have been working on different types of sculpture. We have created chalk drawings, wire sculptures, soap sculptures and and also shadow sculptures. The children have learnt lots of new skills and have shown great perseverance, particularly when sculpting with wire.

Well done year 4

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 4 Summer 2 - Knowledge mats

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Updated: 14/04/2023 262 KB
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Updated: 01/09/2023 143 KB


This week year 4 have been completing their Art project. We have taken our inspiration from the rainforest and have enjoyed using a variety of techniques to achieve our designs. Our final part is to creat our own fabric design using a technique called Batik. Tomorrow we will wash of the glue to hopefully reveal a beautiful pattern. Stay tuned for the end result.