Meet the Year 2 Team
Year 2 Teachers
Miss Brindle
Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs Wood
Teaching Assistant
Please find everything you need to know about Year 2 in the PowerPoint below
Meet the Teacher Slideshow
We offer a broad and creative curriculum, where all areas of learning are as important as each other. We place great value on providing the skills, knowledge and understanding to ensure all children succeed and have a love of learning.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday to be learnt ready for the spelling test the following week. Please also listen to your child read their reading book and book they know each week.
Reading books: Your child will bring one decodable book home every Thursday. This will be the book they have worked on in their Reading Practice Sessions at school that week. It is an expectation that your child reads to you twice before returning the books for changing on Monday. Please can you sign their reading diary to confirm this.
Books We Know: Your child will bring home a book they know each week. They will have read these books at school so sit back and enjoy them telling you a story. It will be their responsibility to look after it and they must remember to bring it to school each Friday in order to exchange it for a new book.
We have PE every Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children have PE kits in school and any earrings are removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with.
All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges.
We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.
Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.
Remote Learning
We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.
Remote Learning Policy
Remote Learning Statement
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 2 Autumn 1 - Knowledge mats
Hello and welcome to Year 2. Thank you to all the children, parents and families for being ready for the new term.
What an amazing day we have had. We used numicon in Maths to recap our number bonds and did a super prediction for our next English text - The Way Home for Wolf.
Our PE day for this term is now on a Thursday. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school by tomorrow.
If you have any questions, please message me on here or see me after school. Many thanks for your continued support,
Miss Brindle
A recap of our first week in Year 2. We worked on our numbers to 20 in Maths, played games in PE, used the xylophones and iPads in Junior Jam and had some fun in the sun.
We found out that 100 years ago our school was a church.
The children loved spot the difference to work out the differences between our church from the past to present. We then went on a walk around our school grounds to look at the special plaques.
Our History topic this term is The History of Mill Hill.
Our topic in Maths is Place Value. Today we have been partitioning numbers to 100 using the base 10 equipment and our part - part - whole models. Great work Year 2!
In our PSHE this term we are looking at me and my relationships. Yesterday we looked at a range of emotions. We found out that we all react differently to emotions and that it is okay. We used a circle time and role play to help us understand this.
Our topic this term in PE is gymnastics. We are very lucky to have Blackburn Rovers lead this session. We performed different stretches to warm our bodies up, then used the equipment to balance, throw and jump. Great effort Year 2!
We had a lovely afternoon yesterday looking at our special books. The teachers brought some of their books in too. We talked about why these books are special to us. Here are a few of the pictures we took.
Last week in English we used our 5 senses to describe winter. On Friday we wrote a winter poem. Today we worked in groups and used our excellent oracy skills to perform them to the class. What amazing poets you are Year 2!
Our topic this term in Science is Living Things and Their Habitats. Yesterday we went to investigate what microhabitats we could find on our school grounds. The children loved exploring using their magnifying glass.
Year 2 are enjoying music this morning.
Junior jam are very proud of Year 2 today!
We have been creating our own number lines in maths on Friday afternoon with Mrs Hargreaves. We created our own number lines using base 10 and numicon and then labelled them in chalk. Our learning continued inside.
What a wonderful afternoon we had listening to Rev Alice talking to us about why the Bible is so special to her. Thank you for taking the time to come and talk to us.
Rev Alice brought her Bibles so we could look at them. Some were her very own, some belonged to her family and some from her church.
To celebrate Poetry Week, Yr 2 and Yr 3 pupils have been mixed into groups to participate in various poetic activities. My group activity gave the children the opportunity to watch different types of performance poems and discuss what made them special.
A wonderful morning as part of our poetry week. Mrs Hargreaves has had a great time reading a range of different poetry books in our school library.
This week it has been poetry week! In Years 2 and 3, we have done a variety of workshops. In this session, we learnt all about acrostic poems and had a go at writing our own Autumn one.
This week Olivia is reader of the week!
Art week in action
This week we created observational drawings of our teddies, wait until next week for our final drawings to be revealed.
We also used different techniques and materials to create different textures. We then looked at a range of emotions and used these to create drawings of characters.
What fantastic artists you are Year 2! We are so proud of you
Art week in action - Year 2
Every Monday reading books should be brought back. The more times your child/ren has read and an adult has signed the more raffle tickets they will get to put into a draw. Every Friday the draw will be drawn and the child will receive a personalised bookmark and a certificate.
Lolita is the reader of the week for last week and Aliza is the reader of the week for this week
This week in Year 2 it’s DT week! The children are so excited because our topic this autumn term is wheeled vehicles.
As part of our investigating we went out on a local walk to conduct a tally to see which vehicles were the most popular and which colours the vehicles were. This research will help us when we come to design our final product.
What amazing artists Year 2 are! Here are our observational drawings of our teddies we brought in from home. The children had so much fun.
Beginning to make our wheeled vehicles.
Today we used the hacksaw to saw the wood. This helped to create our axle, we then attached wheels to the chassis and the body. The children used super listening skills to keep them safe.
Tomorrow we will be beginning to paint and decorate them to fit our design criteria. Ready to bring them home on Thursday
Beginning to make our wheeled vehicles.
This morning we have been very lucky to have Paul Cookson in school - a famous poet. We did a full school assembly.
Afterwards Year 2 enjoyed a session with Paul, he helped us learn a poem about wheeled vehicles to link with our current DT topic. We then showed Paul our poem from poetry week - Little Trotty Wagtail, he couldn’t believe how well the children recited it weeks later.
Wow, what an amazing DT week it has been! The children have had so much fun creating their own wheeled vehicle. We tested them out in the hall to see if they met our design criteria - we wanted them to move and be colourful. I think we all achieved that!
A huge thank you to all the parents/carers who attended our open classroom to show off our DT products at such a short notice. We really appreciate your support.
Wow, what an amazing DT week it has been!
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 2 Autumn 2 - Knowledge mats
Today we went on a local walk to look at different habitats and micro habitats. The children had so much fun with some even saying “This is the best day ever!”. They showed excellent behaviour and learnt lots about our science topic.
Year 2 History Show Its
For our final history lesson, the children created posters and presented them to the class about the history of Mill Hill. We do show it’s for the children to show us what they have understood from the topic.
Excellent efforts Year 2. Well done
English - we created fact files all about foxes.
Science - we looked at different habitats and why animals are best suited to that habitat.
Geography - we learnt the new vocabulary for our topic and matched up the definitions.
Junior Jam - we learnt our body parts in Spanish.
On Wednesday Year 2 had a visit from the fire service.
We learnt all about good and bad fires and how to stay safe in a fire. We got to try on the different uniforms and look at a variety of equipment they use.
Ask your child/ren at home how they can keep safe in a fire
On Wednesday Year 2 had a visit from the fire service.
This afternoon we got to go and engage in Prayer Experience Day. The children said that they found this fun, exciting, calming and relaxing. It was lovely to reflect and see the different ways in which we can worship.
We are at the pantomime! The children are so excited and can’t wait for it to start.
Friday's snowball disco. All the children enjoyed themselves that much that we forgot to take pictures as we were too busy dancing!
Wow what an amazing time we have all had planning, rehearsing and performing our nativity. This year being the most special because it is their final one in the infants. We are so proud of each and every one of them. Great effort Year 2!
Year 2’s last ever nativity performance!
In our PSHE class, we learned about different types of bullying. We acted out scenarios, discussed how to get help if bullied, how to support others, and explored the reasons why someone might bully.
Wow what an amazing last week we have had at school filled with festivities.
Father Christmas came to visit our Christmas party, we made lots of Christmas crafts and enjoyed watching a Christmas movie with snacks this morning.
Merry Christmas to all our families. Thank you so much for your support in 2024, we really appreciate it. We wish you a happy new year and look forward to welcoming to you back on Monday 6th January.
Love from
Miss Brindle, Miss Green and Mrs Wood
Wow what an amazing last week we have had at school filled with festivities.
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 2 Spring 1 - Knowledge mats
Wow what an amazing first week we have had back in school.
We have started many new topics for our spring term.
2. We recognised which shapes are 2D and 3D in Maths.
3. We took part in an experience day in English. We searched our school for a Bog Baby - the children had so much fun and we are thoroughly enjoying this story.
In English today we created our very own Bog Baby from our story. The children had so much fun being creative and imaginative, we are looking forward to describing our character tomorrow.
We have had a super week in Year 2 again!
We wrote our character descriptions of the Bog Baby, the children are enjoying this unit so much and creating fantastic pieces of work.
We sorted the objects and materials in Science.
Listen to the videos to hear our Fluency Bee in action, discussing odd and even numbers.
This week in English we have been sequencing the story of the Bog Baby.
This morning the children have retold the story of the Bog Baby using their excellent oracy skills. The children used prosody and showed great teamwork during story telling.
We are loving the story of the Bog Baby and the children are engrossed in this book - if you wish please listen to the read aloud story at home by clicking this link.
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 2 Spring 2 - Knowledge mats
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 2 Summer 1 - Knowledge mats
Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term
Year 2 Summer 2 - Knowledge mats
Autumn 1
In Spanish we have been learning how to say the days of the week and months of the year.
We are learning how to make music using Garage Band in computing.
We are learning about music theory with Mr Hannon.
Exploring the history of Blackburn
Jump Start Jonny during wet play to get us moving.
Using teamwork to build a bridge for Wilf.
In art, we created card wraps.
Autumn 2
Dance with Blackburn Rovers.
Some of our learning from this week in Geography and Art.
Looking at the Eatwell Guide in science to see what makes a balanced diet.
DT Week
Investigating wheeled vehicles for DT.
Some pictures from D.T week. The children enjoyed making their own wheeled vehicles.
More pictures from DT week.
Christmas Crafts in Year 2
Spring 1
Investigating materials in science
As part of our experience day for English we made a brood box to help us write our own instructions.
In Art, we are looking at collage done in different ways
What a busy week in Year 2!
Art inspired by Bridget Riley.
Blakewater enjoying their winner's treat from Ninja Coffee!
Spring 2
Our Geography topic this half term is Australia.
In Maths, Year 2 have been making equal groups.
Year 2 have been printing in Art this afternoon.
Throwing and catching in PE.
After reading the book ‘The mega magic hair swap”. We used different materials to create hair styles that we would like.
Music with Junior Jam 03.03.23
In Science, we changed materials using different forces.
This week is Science week. This afternoon we took part in a paper aeroplane experiment. We made different paper aeroplanes and measured the distance that they travelled. The children had so much fun!
Science Week in Year 2 - Paper Aeroplanes
Science Week - Charlotte from Elektec came to talk to us today.
A walk to look at the colours of nature.
We continued with our experiments for science week.
Ask your child how we created rainbow paper today.
Science Week in Year 2 - Rainbow Paper
In Geography, we have been looking at the capital cities in Australia and some of the landmarks.
Investigating salads for D.T week.
Taste testing some salads
Practising our skills in DT today. We’re ready to make our salads tomorrow.
Summer 1
Year 2 - Gymnastics with Blackburn Rovers.
Ask us about what was happening here.
Learning about quarters in Maths.
This half term we are learning to play the keyboard with Junior Jam.
Today we have started looking at time. We started by looking at o’clock and half past.
We have made collages to celebrate the King’s Coronation.
This afternoon we went for a walk to look for micro habitats in our local area.
Telling the time in maths today. Please help your child to tell the time on an analogue clock.
Taking inspiration from ‘The Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.
Observational drawing in Art.
Learning about food chains in Science.
Using a picture gallery to find evidence in History.
Summer 2
Comparing mass in Maths today
Art inspired by Indigenous Aboriginal Art.
Investigating puppets in D.T.
Practising our knotting, threading and sewing skills before we make our puppets.
Today we used our sewing skills to create our puppet. Keep your eyes peeled for the final product.
Sorting seeds in Science.
Using Aboriginal Art to create our own didgeridoo.
Learning how to read a thermometer in Maths.
Firework experience day for English.
We have had a wonderful day at the beach.
Campfire experience day for English.
Yesterday we had a visit from Daniel the firefighter. He told us all the ways the fire service help us and taught us how to stay safe in a fire. Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service offer a FREE fire safety check and will provide and fit smoke alarms if needed. or call 0800 169 1125
This afternoon Rev Cath told us all about the features of the church.
Autumn 1
Wow what a fantastic first day in Year 2! We have done lots of super learning and it has been a pleasure getting to know your children.
Miss Brindle, Mrs Brownlie and Mrs Wood
Our topic this term in history is the local history of Mill Hill.
Yesterday we went on a local walk on Norfolk Street to find out the history of our school. The children were amazed at the differences over 100 years ago.
Ask your children what they learnt.
What a fab afternoon! Year 2 enjoying PE in the sunshine improving fundamental movement skills.
We started our maths lesson singing and dancing to our maths song of the week. Play this song to your children to help them with their maths learning at home.
We did mastering maths to work out all the different ways we can make 6 using tens frames and counters.
Wow what a fantastic first gymnastics lesson with Blackburn Rovers. The children loved climbing, balancing and some even said they are proud of facing their fear of heights.
Blackburn Rovers Year 2 14.09.23
Our PSHE topic this term is ‘Me and My Relationships’, in our lesson we recognised the different ways of expressing feelings and the helpful ways of responding to others feelings. Great circle time discussions Year 2!
Today we had some very special visitors. Miss Keegan and Patrick came to answer our questions about how humans grow.
Today we went on a very wet walk to Mill Hill train station as part of our History topic to look at the similarities and differences from the past to the present. Despite the weather the children had so much fun.
There is also a photo of how Mill Hill train station looked like in the past.
Today in R.E we had visitor. Rev Cath came to talk to us about the Bible and tell us why it is a special book. She brought in some different bibles for us to look at.
This week in gymnastics we focused on balancing shapes on the floor, balancing across apparatus and performed jumping shapes,
Ivan is Blackburn Rovers star of the week for making super progress in gymnastics since Year 1 and being resilient. We are so proud of you, well done Ivan!
Today in Maths we have been using the inequality symbols to compare objects. We looked at the greater than, less than and equal to symbol and used Numicon to help us > < =
We love gymnastics on a Thursday with Georgina from Blackburn Rovers. Today we practised our teddy bear rolls, log rolls, tuck rolls and forward rolls.
Ethan is Blackburn Rovers star of the week for improved gymnastics and super listening, well done Ethan!
Year 2 looked at other holy books today and what they mean to people of different religions.
Our DT week in action so far, our topic this Autumn term is Wheeled vehicles.
We have investigated the different vehicles by taking part in a road survey and researched the different parts and purposes of vehicles.
Autumn 2
Today we have learnt about the continents in Geography.
We love Junior Jam Friday mornings in Year 2.
Our class novel in English this term is ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. Last week we researched about foxes we looked at different websites to find out facts to create our own fox fact file.
Ask your children at home what they learnt about foxes.
Today in geography we built on our understanding of continents and oceans by using maps and globes to locate the north, east, south and west of Europe.
Today in Science we learnt how to keep our teeth clean and healthy, with Sarah and Joanna from Darwenside Dental Practice.
A snippet of our teeth activities.
No Pens Day
In maths the children worked in teams to cut and sort shapes correctly.
In Art we learnt about the work of Anthony Frost and then used ICT to respond to his art work.
Look what special delivery arrived in Year 2 today. We can’t wait to see what the elf gets up to on the countdown to Christmas.
Yesterday in our science lesson we looked at the importance of hand washing. We took part in an experiment to watch the germs disperse when we apply soap.
Try this fun experiment at home with your children
The importance of hand washing.
What a fantastic morning in Year 2! We are very lucky that two very special reindeers came to visit us for our ALWAYS treat.
Our special visitors - Year 2
Christmas Crafts - Year 2
Yesterday we all got to meet Father Christmas.
Spring 1
gallery:Wow what a busy first week back! Year 2 loved rocking the day away with Rock Kidz, what amazing rockstars you are!}
Our topic this term in Maths is money. Please help your children with recognising and understanding the value of money at home.
Tyson came for a visit and we got to feed him his morning snack.
Science investigation
Our topic this term is materials.
We predicted what material would fill the hole in the pot the best. We used different types of materials and researched the properties,
We found that Blu tack worked the best, what super investigators you are Year 2.
Today we have been calculating with money in Maths. We would really appreciate your support in helping children learning the life skill of money at home.
Music, Computing and Spanish. What a fantastic afternoon in Year 2!
DT week - Our topic this term in DT is salads. Tasting salads Today we explored the taste of Caesar, Greek and Waldorf salads. The children then evaluated the salads describing the appearance, smell, flavour, texture and then rated them.
We then focused on the skills part of our DT week. This afternoon, we have been learning the skill of cutting and how to do it safely. This will make sure that when we cut the ingredients of our salads carefully.
Spring 2
So far in Maths this week we have been making and drawing arrays to make it easier to calculate multiplications. This helps us understand that multiplication is commutative.
Our topic in Geography this term is Our Local Area - Mill Hill. This week we looked at digimaps we found the keys on the map and had a go at guessing what they could be.
Summer 1
Our topic this term in Science is Plants. We sorted the different types of seeds and then did an investigation using a dry and soaked seed to spot the similarities and differences. Here we are opening the seed to investigate the different parts inside.
Year 2 have had a super busy week! Here we are enjoying dance in PE with Blackburn Rovers, using instruments in music with Junior Jam and using objects around our classroom for our measurement unit in Maths.
Ask us about our Clever badges
Our germinating plant investigation in Science.
Measuring in millimetres and litres in Maths.
Using clicker books in our Geography to create a book on History of the Seaside.
In Lego therapy today we have been working on team work and being able to follow instructions. Great job Theo and David!
In PSHE this term we have been looking at how to keep our bodies clean. We created some top tips for good oral hygiene.
Highlighting information about Greta Thunberg for our newspaper reports.
Checking on our plant investigations in Science.
Dancing to the prefix and suffix song to start our English.
Our dance PE superstars for this week!
Enjoying music, computing and Spanish in junior jam.
Our DT topic this term is…textiles: pouches.
Here we are using ICT to research different types of felt pouches to find out which we like the best.
After this we will move on to the investigation and designing process, the children are so excited!
DT Week - Textiles: Pouches
DT WEEK - we investigated different joining techniques: Blu-tack, sellotape, Velcro, sewing and glue to find out which would join the two materials together the best.
We found out that sewing the felt to make our pouch would be the best.
Wow!! We are super impressed with the children’s sewing skills this afternoon. We used binca, a needle and thread to help us before we begin making our felt pouches tomorrow!
Our finished DT pouches. The children have blown us away with their resilience when sewing and amazed us with their creativity. We are so pleased with our end products.
Summer 2
Yesterday, we had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service informing us on all the safety precautions we need to follow.
Our topic this term in Georgraphy is…Zambia. This afternoon, we have recapped our knowledge of continents and oceans then located Zamia on a map. The children loved this activity and found out that the country Zambia is in southern Africa.
On Monday Years 1 and 2 had the opportunity to go to Mill Hill Library as part of the literacy festival.
We met Christina Gabbitas who is a local author. She shared 3 of her books with us and got us involved with a poem. She taught us all about vitamins and minerals, pollution and animals. We had a great time!
This week in Maths we have been learning how to tell the time. So far we have looked at o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and telling the time past the hour.
As part of our RE topic we went on a visit to church. We did a treasure hunt to find the objects in the church and what they are used for. Year 2 had a great time and learnt so much from Rev Alice.
In PE this term we are looking at athletics.
Today we have been focusing on our jumping and throwing skills. We then worked in teams to compete in some races. The children used words of encouragement to be supportive towards their team mates. Well done Year 2.
Wow what a great sports day we had this morning!The children all put 100% effort in and cheered one another on. Thank you to all the parents who could attend and showed your support.
Today we have been so lucky to have an extra dance session with Blackburn Rovers. This weeks stars of the week are: Leighton, Devon, Lexi-Grace and Emily!
We are on our way to the beach and circus! We are SO excited!!
We had the best day ever!! Year 2 had exceptional behaviour. We went to the circus, the beach, went on the pier and had an ice cream.
Year 2 are having a lovely morning in Year 3 for transition day.
We ended the day doing PE with Sam.
Our topic in Maths is position and direction. Today we have been using our understanding of position to describe movement to our partner. Great work Year 2!
In RE we have been researching churches from around the world.
Wow! What a fantastic treat to celebrate the end of the school year. This morning an ice cream van came to school. We are very lucky! We each enjoyed a cool treat in the sunshine.
It’s been a pleasure to teach your wonderful children, we have learnt lots and created so many amazing memories.
Thank you so much for your support this year, your kind words, cards and very thoughtful gifts. We really appreciate it. We hope you have a lovely summer.
Lots of love
Miss Brindle, Mrs Brownlie and Miss Green