St. Aidan's has bought in the services of Place2Be. Place2Be is a national charity working to improve the confidence and emotional wellbeing of children. They help children to develop resilience by supporting them when they are experiencing challenging life issues and helping them to develop self-confidence and lifelong coping skills. When they are supported in this way, they are able to learn more easily and that means less worry for parents. Place2Be works with children one-to-one and in small groups, offering regular time-tabled support for those who will benefit most. The school will often refer children for this service. Place2Be also work with pupils to have help with friendship issues and other worries by choosing to visit Place2Talk. These short lunchtime sessions are open to individuals and groups.
What service users have said:
"Place2Be helps you feel less angry, make friends, get more confident, sort out your problems, make you feel special, make everything better"
How we help children
Place2Be also works with children one-to-one and in small groups, offering regular time-tabled support for those who will benefit most. The school will often refer children for this service.
How we help schools
How Place2Be works
Times when we’re especially useful
Who is eligible for Place2Be?
What difference does Place2Be make in your child’s school?
How we can help families?
As well as working with children, Place2Be can also offer support for parents and carers of children attending school:
Parenting Smart website
Place2Be’s Parenting Smart is a new site for parents and carers of 4-11 year olds, offering practical advice on supporting your child and managing behaviour. You can access the website from your mobile phone, tablet, or any other device. Learn more at:
Parenting Smart on-line training
We also offer an online parenting course, offering practical advice on supporting your child and managing behaviour. You can access the course from your mobile phone, tablet, or any other device. Learn more at:
PIPT (Personalised independent parent training)
This is offered to parents and carers who are looking for advice and guidance on how to interact with their children and manage concerning behaviours. This training can help build and improve the parents and carers relationship with their child. Contact Gemma or Keith for more information.
Parent Partnership
Our Family Practitioner can also offer telephone consultations for up to six weeks which can either be split weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. These sessions are offered as a way to guide, support and offer advice to parents and carers experiencing emotional difficulties linked to their child.
If you would like to find out more about the Place2Be services, please contact:
Lisa Howard-Place2Be School Project Manager-working days Monday and Tuesday
T : 0125453148